People Mistakes that People Make: Mistake #3 - Hiring People That Need to Change

hiring best practices recruitment strategies Nov 14, 2023

In the pursuit of building successful teams, businesses often find themselves facing a common but critical mistake - hiring individuals who require significant behavioral changes. While it's true that people can change, it's equally important to recognize that you can't change them. In this article, we will explore the challenges associated with expecting behavioral change from your hires and discuss why hiring a talented individual who aligns with your company's values from the start may be a more prudent approach.

The Illusion of Behavioral Change

The Difficulty of Change

Behavioral change is a complex and challenging process. It requires self-awareness, dedication, and often external support. Unfortunately, expecting a newly hired employee to undergo a dramatic transformation in their behavior can be overly optimistic. People tend to revert to their ingrained habits and tendencies, especially when they are placed in familiar environments.

The Motivation Factor

One of the key aspects of successful behavior change is motivation. An individual must have a compelling reason to change their habits and behaviors. In a professional context, if the motivation for change is lacking, attempts at transformation are likely to fall flat. This lack of motivation can result in wasted time, resources, and frustration for both the employee and the employer.

The Alternative Approach: Hiring the Right Fit

The Talented Killer

Instead of hoping for behavioral change, consider hiring a talented individual who already possesses the qualities and skills your organization needs. Think of them as a "talented killer" - someone who excels in their role and aligns perfectly with your company's values and culture.

The Benefits

1. Immediate Contribution: Talented individuals hit the ground running. They require minimal training and quickly start adding value to your organization.

2. Cultural Fit: When you hire someone who already aligns with your company's values, they are more likely to thrive within your organization's culture, fostering a positive work environment.

3. Reduced Turnover: Employees who don't need to change are less likely to become disengaged or frustrated, reducing turnover rates.

4. Efficiency: Resources that would have been spent on trying to change behavior can be redirected towards improving processes and achieving business objectives.


In the quest to build a high-performing team, it's essential to avoid the mistake of hiring people who need significant behavior changes. While people can change, it's a challenging and uncertain process. Instead, opt for the alternative approach of hiring individuals who are already a natural fit for your organization. This not only saves time and resources but also fosters a more harmonious and productive work environment.



  1. How do I determine if someone needs behavioral change before hiring them?

Assess their past behavior and whether it aligns with your organization's values and expectations.Conduct thorough interviews and reference checks to gauge their compatibility with your team's dynamics.

  1. What if there are no candidates who align perfectly with our requirements?

Consider hiring for potential and cultural fit. Skills can be developed, but values and culture alignment are often intrinsic.

  1. Can't we provide training and support for behavioral change?

While training and support can be beneficial, it's essential to have realistic expectations about the likelihood of significant behavior change.

  1. Are there industries where behavioral change is more feasible?

Some industries may have a more flexible culture, making behavior change more achievable. However, it still depends on the individual's motivation.

  1. What if a talented individual with the right skills isn't available?

In such cases, invest in leadership and talent development programs to nurture internal talent.

If you decide that hiring isnโ€™t something you want to do (hey, we get it, you got into this business to what you do best, not HR!) โ€” schedule a call with us today. Weโ€™d be happy to help.

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