People Mistakes that People Make: Mistake #4 - Waiting For a Replacement Before Replacing

hiring best practices recruitment strategies Feb 05, 2024

There's a common mistake that many people make: waiting for a replacement before replacing someone who is not performing well. This mistake often stems from the belief that it's better to have someone in a role, even if they are not delivering the desired results than to have no one at all. However, this approach can be detrimental to the success of a business or organization. In this article, we'll explore this mistake in-depth and discuss why it's essential to address performance issues promptly and decisively.


The Wishful Thinking Trap

Wishing that they will step up.

One of the primary reasons why people make the mistake of waiting for a replacement is wishful thinking. They hope that the underperforming employee will suddenly step up their game and start delivering better results. While it's natural to want to believe in people's potential, relying on wishful thinking as a strategy for improvement can lead to wasted time and resources.

In reality, waiting for someone to step up without concrete actions or plans for improvement is often a recipe for disappointment. It's essential to set clear expectations and provide support and guidance for employees who are struggling. If they don't show improvement over a reasonable period, it may be time to consider other options.


Business is easy, people are hard - Gary Keller

Renowned entrepreneur and author Gary Keller once said, "Business is easy; people are hard." This statement holds profound wisdom when it comes to dealing with performance issues in the workplace. While the technical aspects of running a business or managing a project can be learned and mastered, human behavior and motivation are complex and can't be easily controlled or predicted.

Waiting for an underperforming employee to turn things around can be frustrating and time-consuming. It's often more challenging to change a person's behavior or work habits than it is to find a replacement who is better suited to the role.


The Cost of Inaction

You don’t have to manage killers, you have to get out of their way.

Another mistake people make when waiting for a replacement is failing to recognize the cost of inaction. In business, time is a valuable resource, and every day that an underperforming employee remains in a crucial role can have significant consequences. Projects may be delayed, clients may be dissatisfied, and team morale can suffer.

Entrepreneur and business strategist Jay Abraham once said, "You don't have to manage killers; you have to get out of their way." In this context, "killers" are individuals who consistently excel and drive results. By allowing an underperforming employee to remain in a critical role, you are essentially getting in the way of potential success.


Bad isn’t better than nothing. Deal with the devil

Some may argue that having an underperforming employee is better than having no one in the role at all. However, this belief can be a trap. The saying "bad isn't better than nothing" holds true in many situations. An underperforming employee can create problems, disrupt workflows, and hinder progress. It's essential to assess whether the individual's presence is genuinely beneficial or if it's simply prolonging the inevitable.

In some cases, waiting for a replacement can lead to a vicious cycle of mediocrity. Other team members may become demotivated when they see that poor performance is tolerated, leading to a decline in overall team productivity and effectiveness.


Taking Action

Wouldn’t you stop immediately and take the rock out of your shoe? You can’t ignore it. Stop and take it out.

Imagine you're walking, and you suddenly feel a sharp rock in your shoe. Would you continue walking and endure the discomfort, hoping that the rock will somehow disappear on its own? Of course not! You would stop immediately and take the rock out.

The same principle applies to addressing performance issues in the workplace. When you identify a problem, such as an underperforming employee, it's crucial to take action promptly. Ignoring the issue or waiting for a replacement can lead to more significant problems down the road.


The Importance of Clear Communication

Effective communication is key when dealing with performance issues. It's essential to have open and honest conversations with the employee in question. Provide constructive feedback, set clear expectations, and offer support and resources for improvement. If the employee is willing to make changes and shows progress, it may be possible to avoid a replacement.

However, if the situation does not improve despite your best efforts, it's crucial to be prepared to make the necessary changes. This may involve terminating the underperforming employee and seeking a replacement who can fulfill the role effectively.



In the world of business, waiting for a replacement before replacing an underperforming employee is a common mistake. It stems from wishful thinking, a lack of understanding of the costs of inaction, and a belief that having someone in a role is always better than having no one. However, this approach can hinder progress, disrupt workflows, and damage team morale.

Instead, it's essential to address performance issues promptly and decisively. Effective communication, clear expectations, and support for improvement are critical components of this process. By taking action when necessary, businesses and organizations can maintain productivity and create a more positive and effective work environment.

Don't let the rock in your shoe slow you down. Address performance issues head-on and ensure that your team is working at its best.

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